Sunday, April 12, 2020

Coronavirus Remote Education and Dancing 

Day Twenty One and Twenty Two April 11 & 12 Saturday & Sunday.

Easter Sunday April 12, 2020

First I want to wish all a Happy Easter and Good Passover. 

It is a quiet Sunday morning this Easter here in Downtown Manhattan. Just look at the photos from Good Friday and imagine it even quieter, as there is even less traffic.

I have been hearing that so many families are gathering for some time online: a zooming Seder, a early morning breakfast share, or late evening egg dying get together.

We were zooming last night while family members were preparing as much as they could for Easter Sunday. Being from a large Italian family there was much talk about food or perhaps the lack of what this year will bring. No Spinach Pies, not as many cookies, not so much Easter bread, who is making a Ricotta cheesecake. Each family cooking and eating in smaller family units in place at home. No visiting and showing off your Easter best.So it was really a lot of fun to just see each other and have a conversation as if we were going to get together for Easter and discuss what we would be doing Easter morning as we are staying in at home with loved ones.

I slept late and got almost 8 hours of sleep. An unusually long amount of time for me, especially during this crisis, when being a teacher has been extremely stressful. I am usually calm and can handle an incredible amount of stress but I have been close to my breaking point at times and just want to give up.

So I am reminded of what we celebrate this time of year. Of peoples that go through a series of trials and tribulations, of an individual that is  persecuted for wanting a better existence for all. Of suffering that seems almost impossible to bear only to come out on the other end lifted up, making it to the promised land, or being resurrected and uplifted to a better life.

So this Easter I am at home with my spouse, going about business as usual, making more videos for my students, preparing for the week ahead and the journey that life has handed us at this challenging time. Some days it seems like an almost impossible task just to go out and shop for food. Amid all this I remind myself and look to the future. I look for the day we will reach the promised land (going back to work and school) and wait for my resurrection (dancing in class with colleagues and my students).

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Strong, Stay Home and Keep Dancing
Peace Out!
The Dancing Jedi

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